Awesome work guys.
Composition is cool, soloing is cool, mixing is cool, a full 5/5.
Awesome work guys.
Composition is cool, soloing is cool, mixing is cool, a full 5/5.
Cool. Cheers, mang
In my headphones, the main lead/ melody is so loud that overpowers everything else. I would make the drums a bit "fatter", back off with the lead and pad a bit, make the guitar stereo (panning or split the frequencies or a ping-pong delay).
Not a bad composition.
Something, I noticed last time I uploaded stuff here...NG's player, I think, does something to the sound of certain frequencies. It might be an mp3 thing or something, but my stuff almost always sounds different on NG. Sometimes more noticable than others
Nice track. I like the quite abstract feel of the track. A bit repetitive but we can pretend it's a minimalist approach :)
It was meant to be minimalist/trance-ish
Very cool track, well arranged and mixed.
Really beautiful piece, fitting the movie very well, but also as a "stand alone" track is nice.
The piano sounds very natural and the playing doesn't sound "programmed", all flowing perfect. Very well done, congrats!
Not bad :) I like the chord changes and the choice of sounds.
In some places might need a better separation between instruments and maybe some volume automation or sidechain of long sounds (pads, long SFX, risers...) would bring out the rhythm better.
Great points sir. I appreciate the input!
Not a bad track, with some interesting things and very optimist feel but some things stand out in a not very good way.
In the intro, some of the sound effects are way too loud. Those should be ornaments on the track not main focus, stealing attention from rhythm and melody.
The main thing that bother me is the harmony clash between chords and the main melody. One of those should be adjusted to fit the other, I would say the chords because the melody is pretty good and fit with the bass very well.
The mixing is pretty ok and the choice of sounds is good. At 3:33 the cymbal is a bit loud and too thin to my taste.
Overall pretty good work.
Thanks for the review! It means a lot!
I'll keep that in mind for next time. I'm still getting used to doing really in depth mixing, so sometimes stuff ends up being louder than I think. I think I'm just worried some people won't hear the FX at all. Then again, my hearing's pretty shit.
Huh, I actually thoughts the chords fit rather well, but of course, to each his own. I have a feeling that my hearing getting really messed up is affecting the volume of some of the stuff I mix. Listening to stuff on full blast for years can do that. I'll really have to adjust for that next time I mix.
Very good track, getting the style very well.
The only thing I can say as a down side is that I would like to hear a real guitar, live recorded.
Eventually you can run the virtual guitar through a virtual amp sim (Guitar Rig or Amplitube) and with the right reverb and delay you might get a more realistic sound.
Extremely well composed, very well performed and very well mixed.
One project that makes me proud to be part of :)
Finally new stuff from one of my favorites composers/ producers/ performers here on NG.
Nice track, good guitar tone and cool composition. Well played too.
Ohh Mihai, my friend :) Thanks for your kind words, i Hope you stay well! I would have a lot of new stuff to publish and share with you and NG, but unfortunately i can't because of the agreement with the company i'm working for. Anyways its always a great pleasure to come back here. Those interested in hearing more can have a look to my home or soundcloud. I cant listen to your new stuff right now cause i'm on mobile device but tomorrow i'm going to check it all! Sincere hugs from Italy!
Don't be bitter, be better. (A.Madubuko) Flesh will rot but songs remain in ages. (Citrina)
Age 49, Male
"Gheorghe Dima" Music Academy
Joined on 7/9/06